
How To Hire A Right Marketing Agency For Your Practice?

We are sure you might have come across people/agencies promising 100 new patients in a week, 10X revenue and what not… It sounds amazing but how real is that?

Well, we have no intention of proving anyone right or wrong. Writing this blog aims to give you the checkpoints before onboarding any digital marketing agency. This will help you understand if your practice marketing, branding, and reputation management is going into the right hands.

Hiring the right marketing agency for your practice is like choosing the right medicine for your patients, here are 5 things you should not miss while choosing a marketing agency.

1. Expertise:

Unlike other industries, healthcare marketing presents unique needs, challenges, and preferences. Stark and HIPAA law violations are very serious risks for hospitals and physicians in their marketing efforts. In the healthcare industry, compliance with laws and regulations, such as HIPAA, is critical. Ensure your marketing agency understands and adheres to these rules.

An agency specialising in your industry will understand your unique challenges and opportunities, including guidelines and regulations by respective councils. Picking a random marketing agency who knows digital marketing but lacks healthcare marketing exposure can be disappointing.

2. Experience:

An agency with a proven track record in healthcare marketing understands the unique challenges and regulations you face. They've navigated the waters before and know what strategies resonate with patients while adhering to industry standards. A strong portfolio speaks volumes. It's a reliable indicator of the quality of work you can expect from the agency. Do check their past work, such as the websites they have designed, social media posts, Google Analytics reports, the number of leads, keyword ranking reports, etc.

Hiring an agency with no prior industry experience would be like making yourself their guinea pig.

3. Authority:

A good marketing agency should be able to develop a personalized marketing strategy that aligns with your practice's goals and target audience. A one-size-fits-all approach doesn't cut it in today's competitive market. Ask the agency what they will do differently for your practice. Also, Ensure they are using the right and latest tools and technology.

4. Trust:

Reputation is one of the most valuable things for any medical professional. Don’t you think someone who’s gonna handle your reputation shouldn't also carry a good reputation? Check how long the agency has been in the industry, do they have a physical office, what’s their team size. Do screen the marketing agency for reviews and testimonials from their previous clients. An agency with a high Client retention rate usually suggests they're doing something right. It's a strong sign of Client satisfaction and successful long-term strategies. So always check and cross-verify the information about the Client information they are providing. If feasible, ask the agency for contact details of their current clients and take direct feedback.

5. Pricing Structure:

Understand the agency's pricing structure. Are they really aligning the price according to the service and work quality they offer? Is it within your budget? Are there any hidden costs? Remember, the cheapest or the most expensive agencies aren’t always the best. So, make decisions wisely.

Remember, choosing a healthcare marketing agency is an investment in your practice's future. Before signing up with the agency, take your time, research, cross verify, and don't be afraid to ask any questions. After all, you want to ensure you choose the right 'medicine' for your 'medical' practice!

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