Dr. Basavaraj

The owner of Shree Vishwa Vande Dental Clinic, a thriving dental practice. Like many in their field, they faced significant challenges in reaching a broader audience and increasing their online presence. They came to us with clear goals: to boost website traffic, improve engagement, and ultimately, drive more patients to their practice.

Initial Situation

Before partnering with us, Dr.Basavaraj relied heavily on conventional marketing methods. Their online presence was minimal, and they struggled with low website traffic and engagement. Their metrics showed a need for a strategic overhaul.

Digital Marketing Strategy

We crafted a tailored digital marketing strategy focusing on a well designed website, SEO, and performance marketing.
Each component was designed to address specific needs:


Our team implemented the strategy in phases, starting with a complete SEO audit and revamp of their website. We then launched treatment specific & area bound ad campaigns and concurrently optimized the campaigns to high click through rate and low cost per click. Throughout the process, we kept Dr.Basavaraj informed and involved.


Healthcare Marketing is something that doesn’t give immediate results, we continued working & improving over the 15 months and we could clearly see the difference we had made together, the practice saw:

- A 250% increase in website traffic.

- A 40% rise in patient footfall.

- Significant increase in High Value Patients

- A 100% increase in Real & Genuine Reviews.

Our visual data highlights the remarkable turnaround, showcasing the effectiveness of the strategy.

Client Experience

Dr.Basavaraj was thrilled with the transformation & he has shared good words about us in our Google Reviews

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Lessons Learned

This campaign taught us the importance of a comprehensive and customized approach. We faced challenges, particularly with initial SEO efforts, but overcame them through persistent optimization. The insights gained will undoubtedly benefit future projects.


In summary, Dr.Basavaraj's journey from a minimal online presence to digital marketing success is a testament to the power of a well-executed strategy. We're proud of their growth and excited about their future potential. As of 2024 our partnership is already entering its 4th year and we are looking for many more years to come…